BioSplice : Monsters

Take a peek into the various creatures and monsters of BioSplice, a science fiction open-world video game concept.

“In a world where animals are exploited and experimented on, the lands are brimming with modified creatures and mutated monsters. As a radical government begins releasing biological experiments into the wild, societies across the globe are left to deal with the consequences. Rivals are pushed to forsake their differences to unify against a common enemy.”

Small, non-mutated rippled saltmander.

An amphibious creature residing in the marshes, the mutated rippled saltmander was formed from its much smaller counterpart. Influenced by the genetic pollutants in the water, these creatures have expanded in size – making them a much greater threat to the populous.

Mutated saltmander sketches.

Mutated saltmander silhouettes.


Biosplice: Monsters and Environments


Biosplice: Mounts and Characters