BioSplice : Monsters and Environments

Take a peek into the various creatures and monsters of BioSplice, a science fiction open-world video game concept.

“In a world where animals are exploited and experimented on, the lands are brimming with modified creatures and mutated monsters. As a radical government begins releasing biological experiments into the wild, societies across the globe are left to deal with the consequences. Rivals are pushed to forsake their differences to unify against a common enemy.”

Rough sketch to value painting.

Scolope sketch explorations.

Scolope silhouettes.

After an abandoned residential area was turned into a biological waste dumping ground, grotesque mutants began forming from the environmental destruction. Toxifera are a mutant species on the hunt for any flesh and blood they can find.

Slimy, bulbous, and metallic, their entire body is a dangerous weapon. The sickly yellow-green skin is slick with a highly acidic chemical that can burn through flesh and bone.

Slimy, bulbous, and metallic, their entire body is a dangerous weapon. The sickly yellow-green skin is slick with a highly acidic chemical that can burn through flesh and bone.


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Biosplice: Monsters